Wednesday, February 8, 2012

It's real

When I was young(er), supercalifragilisticexpialidocious was part of a game. 

Spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Try to beat my word, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, with the longest word you could find. I bet you can't.

Say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Now say it fast. Can you?

Then I grew up and thought that it was such a stupid word. It doesn't even mean anything.

Today i found out that it is a real word. Apparently even found in the Oxford dictionary. It is an adjective that means fantastic, very wonderful. Well the word does seem to imply something outrageous/amazing.

I wonder though, who would even want to use that word.

Oh you look supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!  

Your work is wonderful. I can't even find a word good enough to describe how amazing it is. It's ... supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Yes, that's it. 

Oookayyy. Weirdo.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


No I'm not talking about what happens when Oscar comes out of the trash and starts talking. Neither am I talking about the talk that you do with your friends near the trash. Or about trash.

This is what I'm talking about. The talks that occur in these types of situations. When you try to get in someone's head by 'trash-talking' him. 

Definition? According to Wiki, it is a form of boast or insult commonly heard in competitive situations such as in sporting events, primarily in the US.

Why is it called trash-talk? Beats me. Probably because there's no content in what they're saying thus it's garbage/nonsense which makes it trash talk.

 Why do athletes trash-talk? To undermine their opponent's position, mess with their head, make them lose that confidence and then gain victory in the end themselves.

Who does it? Even though it is said that it occurs in sporting events, I don't think it's for every sport. I can't see how golfers can trash-talk each other. They're probably too sophisticated for it. Or tennis players. They're too far away from each other to exchange insults during the game. These are still competitive situations though.  

Trash-talking is mostly associated with men. Probably because it usually involves the use of profanities and women as genteel beings, do not curse in public. That's a stereotype right there but I will not get into that.

So saying to a guy that he 'runs like a girl' or 'jumps like a girl' or 'throws like a girl' is an example of trash-talk. Why does girl = weakness though? 

It's ok girls, boys don't realize that when they engage in trash-talks, they're really talking rubbish.